
Each profession has its own working tools: a tailor has a needle, a violinist has a violin, a fisherman has a fishing rod, a psychologist has a psychological test. A correctly conducted standardised psychological test allows quickly obtain objective and reliable data, regardless of the personal impression made by a client.

Psychodiagnostics reveals: 1) problems that a client has, 2) possible causes of identified problems, 3) “pain points” of the tested person — individual characteristics that can contribute to problems and difficulties, even if they are not currently expressed, 4 ) internal resources that a client can rely  and use on in his/her psychological work.

From my practice, the result of the psychological test does an excellent job in a situation where a client is unable to concentrate and formulate a question for the psychologist. The results of psychodiagnostics deepen and expand the client’s self-image, and allow us together to determine the goals and objectives of joint psychological work.

Also, a test results determine not only a need for psychological and/or medical, but also legal assistance to a client, but also a way to provide this assistance.

Just as there is no final medical diagnosis without laboratory tests and instrumental diagnostics, there is no high-quality psychological work without psychological tests — psychodiagnostics.